Women's Giving Circle of Harford County

Engaging women of all generations in the power of community philanthropy since 2010.

WGC General Membership Meeting - State of the Circle and Vote on New Executive Board

WGC General Membership Meeting - State of the Circle and Vote on New Executive Board
01/17/2025 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Location: Videoconference

Registered attendees (31)

Date Name
01/09/2025 Antisdel, Judith
01/09/2025 Hamilton, Dawn
01/09/2025 Nachitgal, Claudia
01/09/2025 Gawryck, Donna
01/09/2025 Davis, Jodi
01/09/2025 Master, Christine
01/09/2025 Cheatham, April
01/09/2025 Dontas, Maria
01/09/2025 Kahoe, Donna
01/09/2025 Klein, Jayne

Women's Giving Circle of Harford County
P. O. Box 94   Bel Air, MD 21014


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